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  • 恒泰無紡布

    The company held the 2020 work summary meeting

    ? ? On the morning of February 6, 2021, Zhejiang Yiyuan Electrostatic Technology Co., Ltd. held a work summary meeting for 2020, which was presided over by general manager Zhang.

    ? ? In response to the local government's call for epidemic prevention, do a good job in epidemic prevention and control measures, seriously implement temperature measurement, light health codes, wear masks, and reduce personnel gathering, the conference was held in two sessions. At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Zhang summarized the 2020 annual summary meeting with the workshop directors, salespeople, technical backbones and other functional department heads. At the meeting, the heads of all departments reported on the work carried out in 2020, analyzed the achievements and shortcomings in the work in detail, put forward the work objectives and measures of the Department in 2021 in combination with the company's operation indicators, and made a detailed plan. President Zhang fully affirmed the achievements of all departments, comprehensively analyzed and put forward specific improvement requirements, and deployed the work in 2021.

    ? ? Subsequently, president Zhang made a comprehensive review and analysis of the business development and existing problems in 2020 at the general meeting, and made important arrangements for the development direction, business strategy and operation management in 2021. She said: 2020 is an extremely extraordinary year. In the face of the sudden epidemic, it is difficult for the company to develop and operate, and the business volume is also significantly lower than that in previous years. In 2021, the epidemic prevention and control work has always been the top priority throughout the year. We must not take it lightly. We stick to our posts and all departments actively cooperate in epidemic prevention work. In the new year, we will face more new difficulties and challenges, but the challenging market also contains new development and opportunities. We should be good at actively grasping the new needs of the market and the new requirements of the industry. We should adhere to the general tone of "going up against difficulties, rising against the trend, making progress while maintaining stability and making progress for good", always maintain the confidence of decisive victory, and walk in the wind as an indomitable and enterprising person.

    ? ? After the conclusion meeting, the exciting lucky draw began! General manager Zhang, on behalf of the company, sent new year's greetings and new year's gifts to all the staff!

    Anti static experts have focused on the R & D and production of anti-static products for 29 years
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