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  • 恒泰無紡布

    Congratulations on the successful passing of ISO9001:2008 audit

    ? ? The two-day ISO9001 external audit ended today, with both achievements and shortcomings. First of all, we should thank Mr. Du, the audit teacher, for his hard work, Mr. Zhang for his attention and full responsibility, and all employees for their careful preparation during this period. Although there are some small problems, the audit teacher still gives high affirmation to everyone's work and dedication.

    ? ? Now, let's make a brief review of the ISO9001 audit:

    ? ? On July 2, 2012, president Zhang specially stressed at the morning meeting that all departments should start to make preparations and prepare for the first supervision and audit after the certificate renewal audit of our company last year. The heads of all departments should attach great importance to, scientifically allocate, reasonably divide labor and cooperate with each other, and make preparations before and after internal audit, management review and external audit, Welcome the ISO9001 audit in 2012 with full enthusiasm.

    ? ? From August 4 to 5, 2012, the internal audit started in the company's meeting room. Among the company's members, five internal auditors, fan Guohuo, Xu Xiang, Lin Yang'an, Xu Xianhu and Yu guipeng, started the internal audit with a fair, just and highly responsible attitude. This internal audit involved 12 departments. During the two-day internal audit, the internal auditors were serious and responsible, divided their work among each other, and reported to the general manager The technical quality department, production department, sales department, office, supply department, warehouse and cushion workshop, upper workshop, PVC shoe workshop, PU shoe workshop and garment workshop shall conduct audit. Through this audit, two nonconformities were found, namely, the office and the supply section. Through the rectification of relevant departments, they have been corrected in time.

    ? ? On August 11, 2012, president Zhang personally presided over the management review meeting in the company's conference room. At the meeting, president Zhang pointed out that this year is the seventh management review meeting of our company. From 2006 to now, our company has been on the road of ISO9001 system for seven years. I hope you will continue to be serious, pragmatic and Summarize and analyze the work in the first half of the year based on the principle of seeking truth from facts! Starting from himself, president Zhang summarized the company's organizational structure, resource allocation, various commitments and improvement measures. Subsequently, the heads of departments and workshops discussed and reviewed the work objectives, work summary and experience in the first half of the year. Finally, president Zhang made a concluding speech. First of all, he affirmed the achievements made in the first half of the year, put forward some areas that need to be improved, and deployed the work in the second half of the year.

    ? ? From August 18 to 19, 2012, Mr. Du Shijun, the national registered senior auditor of Wantai certification company, arrived at the company for a two-day ISO9001:2008 supervision certificate renewal audit. At 2:00 p.m. on the 18th, according to the audit schedule, the first meeting was held in the conference room on the first floor. At the meeting, Mr. Du made a brief introduction, introduced the audit purpose, principle, method and audit arrangement plan, and made a confidentiality commitment to the audit. Xu Xiang, the management representative of the company, delivered a welcome speech, welcoming Mr. Du to the company for the fourth audit, hoping to conduct a comprehensive inspection on the company's quality management system through this external audit, promote our work, and require all departments to actively cooperate and accompany the staff to do a good job of guidance and witness.

    ? ? The audit teacher conducted a two-day audit accompanied by the management representative. In order to pay attention to the audit, all employees of each department went to work normally, and the heads of each department personally participated in the audit, actively and seriously answered the auditors' questions, and recorded their valuable suggestions in detail. On the afternoon of the 19th, the final meeting was held. Mr. Du, the audit teacher, first informed you of the two-day audit. First of all, he affirmed everyone's seriousness and responsibility and the attention of the company's management. Generally speaking, the situation of all departments met the ISO9001 standard. However, it also points out the matters that need to be improved. Finally, the audit results were read out: the quality management system of Yiyuan electrostatic company operated effectively, and no serious nonconformity was found. At the same time, we also hope to escort the vigorous development of the company through the effective operation of the system.

    ? ? Finally, the management representative Xu Xiangxiang thanked the audit teacher for his hard work in the past two days, and pointed out that there are still some deficiencies in our system. He hopes to find and solve problems through audit, draw inferences from one instance, promote the real operation of the quality system, continuously improve the company's quality, strengthen the company's brand and bring more business opportunities to the company.

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