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  • 恒泰無紡布

    The company organizes fire safety training

    ? ? "Safety first, prevention first", in order to continuously improve the understanding of all members of Zhejiang Yiyuan Electrostatic Technology Co., Ltd. on fire safety, and the comprehensive safety quality of fire escape and self rescue, master the use method of fire-fighting equipment, initial fire fighting treatment, and further master the knowledge of fire prevention safety and the use method of fire-fighting equipment. On March 31, 2017, the company invited Zhejiang Taizhou fire brigade to the company's site to carry out fire safety knowledge training and practical drill of fire emergency plan for all employees.

    ? ? Firstly, PPT projection was used in the hall on the first floor to explain several major fire accidents in recent years and some example videos of large and small fire accidents in Taizhou city. The shocking pictures and figures shocked the hearts of all participants in the training, Deeply aware of the importance of "hidden dangers are more dangerous than open fire, and prevention is better than disaster relief". Then, according to the actual situation of the company's fire safety, combined with the knowledge of using electricity, gas and fire in work and life, this paper introduces the cause of the accident and the harm caused, explains in detail the self-defense, self rescue and escape skills after the fire, and introduces different fire extinguishers according to their types, functions and uses.

    ? ? Secondly, the three processes of fire evacuation first aid, fire extinguisher operation drill and fire hydrant operation drill were simulated at the plant site on the first floor. A total of 8 portable dry powder fire extinguishers were used in this emergency plan drill. It took 30 minutes from the occurrence of the fire to evacuation and rescue and extinguishing the fire source, which timely and effectively controlled the expansion of the fire, ensured personal safety and avoided property losses. The division of labor is really clear and the responsibility is assigned to people. At the first time of the fire, we should be calm and calm. What should each employee do, how to alarm correctly, how to put out the fire correctly, how to evacuate, how to save themselves and escape. This fire drill not only enhanced the fire awareness of employees, but also mastered the operation steps and methods of dry powder fire extinguisher and fire hose, so as to further improve the ability of employees to deal with emergencies.

    ? ? The training and the whole drill lasted 2 hours and involved more than 70 people. Through this fire safety training, the fire awareness and fire-fighting skills of the company's employees have been further improved. This training has created a good atmosphere, achieved the predetermined goal and created a good fire safety environment.

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