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  • 恒泰無紡布

    2014 annual general meeting of Yiyuan company

    ? ? On February 13, 2015, with the sound of fireworks, Yiyuan company will hold the 2014 year-end summary meeting in the hall on the first floor to summarize the work of 2014 and deploy the work objectives of 2015. Before the year-end summary meeting, president Zhang held the office year-end summary discussion in the office conference room on the first floor, reviewed the work of this year with you, affirmed your achievements and pointed out the deficiencies. The workshop director and office staff also talked about their ideas and suggestions for the upcoming work in 2015.

    ? ? At 13:00 p.m., the 2014 year-end summary meeting of Yiyuan company was held on time in a lively and festive atmosphere, and all employees of the company attended on time. At the beginning of the year-end meeting, the management representative Xu Xiang led everyone to read out the value standard of Yiyuan company. Then president Zhang came to the stage in a warm applause and summarized the work of 2014. He thanked all employees for their efforts over the past year, affirmed their achievements and pointed out the existing problems, Finally, several requirements are put forward for the work of the whole plant in 2015.

    ? ? At the end of the year-end summary meeting, president Zhang specially held a brief retirement farewell ceremony for Wu Yanchun, the director of the clothing workshop, who has served in the company for 14 years. Thank her for her dedication to the company for 14 years without complaint and regret, and fully affirmed her contribution to the company for so many years. Today, she retired with honor, and president Zhang also sent her blessings on behalf of the whole factory.

    ? ? It's also the happiest time for everyone when it's almost over. The annual year-end lucky draw is opened in the joy and tension of everyone. There are three awards in total. They are not expensive. The prizes represent the company's intention and add to everyone's happy atmosphere.

    ? ? Finally, president Zhang paid year-end benefits to all employees, which is also the company's intention to everyone's hard work in the past year and encourage everyone to work harder in the new year.

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