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  • 恒泰無紡布

    2014 - meet Hengdian film and Television City

    ? ? It's winter and spring again, and it's the season for all employees of Yiyuan company to travel. On the last day of May 2014, Yiyuan company started this year's tourism, and this time the tourism destination is Hengdian film and Television City in Dongyang. This year, president Zhang personally led the team. Two buses stopped at the gate of the factory at more than five o'clock in the morning and waited. After driving for more than an hour, they arrived at the destination - Dongyang Hengdian film and television city.

    ? ? Hengdian film and Television City, which is called "China Hollywood" by Hollywood magazine, is a large comprehensive tourism area integrating film and television tourism, vacation, leisure and sightseeing. It is rated as a national AAAAA tourist area for its thick cultural heritage and unique historical scenes. It has become the largest film and television shooting base in the world and the only "national film and Television Industry Experimental Zone" in China. As the time is only one day and the journey is relatively compact, the guide took us on today's journey as soon as we arrived at the destination. We first came to today's first stop, the palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. This 1:1 reproduction of the Forbidden City is the largest film and television base of Hengdian film and television city. With the unique construction method of the film and Television City, it imitates the ritual system of the Tang, song and Yuan Dynasties, and integrates the construction style of the Republic of China. We take photos while walking. We always want to keep more historical pictures, and the guide reminds us to pay attention to safety from time to time. Looking for the breath of history, we walked through many historical landscapes such as Taihe hall, qianqingmen square, Qianqing palace, Kunning palace, Meridian Gate, Wenwu platform, Jinshui River and Yudai bridge. Looking at these magnificent Longque Phoenix eaves and magnificent imperial palace square, we were surprised by the wisdom and creation of our ancestors, and were even more amazed by these ingenious craftsmen. Then the guide led us to watch the Forbidden City ceremony and the Eight Banners horse battle. Let's personally feel the wind, frost, snow and rain that the Forbidden City has experienced for more than 580 years, and appreciate the soul stirring scene when Emperor Kangxi deterred San Francisco,

    ? ? After leaving the palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, we took a tour bus to the second stop of this tour - Qin palace. There is always a saying that "if you don't get to the king's palace of Qin, you will come to the film city in vain". When we just got off the bus, we saw the tall and powerful gate of the king's palace of Qin. According to the guide, the king's palace of Qin was built to cooperate with the film director Chen Kaige to complete the century's work "Jing Ke stabbing the king of Qin". At the same time, it is also the birthplace of the blockbuster "hero" directed by Zhang Yimou. Moving inward along the front square, you can see the main hall of the king of Qin in the hall of four seas returning to one, which has a function similar to the Taihe Hall of the Forbidden City. We followed the tour guide in the park to visit the central palace gate, yanguohua balcony, Wangcheng main gate and other scenic spots in turn, and came to the most famous 99 steps. Here, the company took collective photos, and everyone went up along the steps to experience the feeling of passing through the sky along the steps. Later, after the tour, everyone lined up to watch the 4D film "Dragon Emperor's surprise". Sitting on the rail car, you can not only feel the effect of 4D, but also feel the sense of center of gravity, direction, speed, vibration, posture and so on, which makes tourists feel like immersive. The performance of "dream back to Qin and Han Dynasties" brings modern humans back to the distant Qin and Han Dynasties, allowing history and modernity to have a dialogue in the distant space and time, and the 3D dreamlike effect brings people infinite reverie and thinking.

    ? ? Historical architecture brings more associations to modern people, while modern entertainment brings more happiness to people. After lunch, we all came to today's last stop - Dream Valley, because this scenic spot didn't open until 2 p.m. as soon as we entered the park, we went to play various entertainment items, such as ancient palace, happy frog jump, rock row seat, pirate storm, Yama express, Java jump, etc. after nearly three hours of madness, we were also tired, After their simple dinner, they arrived at the finale of tonight's big play. There were two large performances, "dream Tai Chi" and "rainstorm mountain torrent". Almost every one of these two performances was full, which became a must see program for Chinese and foreign tourists to visit Hengdian. The weird and mysterious rain praying ceremony, the disaster scene of torrential rain and mountain torrents, is magnificent and dangerous! Make you in it and imitate it in a dream. That feeling can only be realized by visiting the scene in person.

    ? ? When the performance ended, it was close to 10 p.m. everyone was tired but happy. Every collective visit of Yiyuan company was not only a reward to the employees, but also a gratitude. The event led by general manager Zhang not only brought closer the feelings between employees, deepened mutual friendship, but also further enhanced the team cohesion. I believe that through this trip, everyone will devote more enthusiasm to future work.

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